Friday, October 10, 2008

A Port In The Storm

FOX is still FOX. MSNBC is unwatchable. CNN is a bore. What’s left for the discriminating news junkie?

CNBC, my friends. The market meltdown has humbled them. Their financial experts have now joined the rest of us poor American slobs scrambling to make a buck, and--unlike Mika Brzezinski and Campbell Brown--they actually know what they’re talking about. Why should I subject myself to Chris Matthews acting out his personal issues on Hardball when a few clicks down the dial Dylan Ratigan is kicking ass and taking names on the economy? Throw in John Harwood, Maria Bartiromo, Rick Santelli–I’m hooked.

I’m going to continue to watch CNBC religiously until I figure out what the LIBOR rate is. That may take awhile.

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