Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Open this in a new window. It’s a good, non-hysterical list of reasons why a Democrat might not want to vote for Barack Obama.


1. The real problem is how easily Obama jettisons his allies when they become inconvenient. His quiet resignation from Trinity Church on a Saturday night was about as chickenshit a move as a politician can make. He got away with it, though. The media sent his Philadelphia speech on race–the one compared to Lincoln’s Second Inaugural–straight down the memory hole.

2. Disagree.

3. Absolutely. Especially egregious was his refusal to provide leadership on Iraq.

4. Mostly true. It’s not so much that he hasn’t accomplished a great deal. It’s that he hasn’t really tried very hard.

5. Not quite accurate. They’re both pretty arrogant, but Obama could use a little of Bush’s stubbornness. With Barack, pretty much everything is on the table. Scary.

6. A little sleazy, but not a deal-breaker. It might tarnish his halo if the media pursued it, which they won’t.

7. Ditto.

8. This is the big one, and it speaks to something rotten in the Democratic leadership. (I would also note Obama’s willingness to play the race card during the primaries. I have a real problem with that).

9. Disagree. Way over the top.

10. Decent propaganda video. Par for the course this election season.

Two weeks to go.

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