Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Step One

As Barack Obama might say. . .Let's be clear.

The wingnut "free market" outrage over the Paulson/Bernanke bailout is 99% phony. Modern Republicans--having long ago abandoned Eisenhower's sensible capitulation to the New Deal--are oligarchs. It's not really their fault. That's just the price of admission to their party. Trickle-down now, trickle-down forever! Just service the people who do the trickling, and prosper!

Most Republicans are simply trying to bullshit their way through the current crisis so they can go back to business as usual--tax cuts, deregulation and corporate welfare. Democrats need to act accordingly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any comment on the recent internet rumor - Biden will drop off the ticket due to health reasons and Hiliary will replace him. A tactic for a campaign losing momentum?