Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Mister Axelrod will see you now. . ."

Open Left has been a parody of itself for months now, but it's essential reading for devotees of the Washington suck-up. Chris Bowers:

And yes, the Obama campaign must be extremely confident if it is using presidential-seal iconography as part of the backdrop of its campaigns events. But you know what? Good. I am glad that the Obama campaign is acting like it is going to win, because the current polling results speak for themselves: he probably is going to win. Obama might be criticized for being arrogant or elitist, but a lot more people are going to vote for a candidate who seems determined, self-confident, cool and acts like a leader than a candidate who is constantly apologizing for his very existence. Obama is clearly acting like a winner, and he will help make Democrats feel like winners, too.

Even Barack's universally ridiculed Obama Seal is fine with Bowers. (I guess he thinks if you don't act like an asshole, people will assume you're a loser. Ah, the politics of hope!) He ends up scolding his hero for wearing a flag pin, but does anybody think Obama is worried about the wrath of Chris Bowers and his ilk? He'll just freeze them out.

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