Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG: Catharsis Day

Congressional Democrats in the Pelosi-Reid era are defined by their failures, so it's hardly surprising that they got swindled by the sharpies at AIG. As for the Administration, Tim Geithner deserves to be scorned by Republicans for signing off on the bonuses. (David Axelrod’s defense–that the poor kid had a lot on his plate, so leave him alone–is embarrassing.) But folks--we really do need to move on. The fragile, horrendous economy is--believe it or not!--on a bit of a roll right now, and it’s essential that government officials stay on top of things. (Republicans don't count.)

I generally despise all the grandstanding displayed by our elected representatives at committee hearings. Most legislators have no real interest in anything and regard their five minutes on C-SPAN as little more than an opportunity to rehearse their campaign sound bites. But today I say to our brave tribunes on the Potomac–Don't hold back! Now is not the time to grow a collective brain and get yourselves lost in the bonus weeds. Sure, it would be nice if taxpayers didn't get shafted by Wall Street again, but let's face it--if the high-priced legal talent at AIG can’t outwit a pack of panic-stricken Congressmen, they ought to be disbarred. (Maybe Andrew Cuomo in New York will manage to squeeze the crooks for a few token shekels down the road.)

Today, the Liliputians of the Capitol need to do what they do best–bloviate and get outraged. Come on, guys and gals! Show us your righteous indignation! Shout yourselves hoarse!

Your country needs you!

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