Friday, January 23, 2009

Team Of Professionals

I suppose it’s possible that Hillary Clinton, George Mitchell and Richard Holbrooke will need a full-time referee, but is it likely? I think not. In any case, I’d rather have them managing our diplomacy than a pack of lightweights.

The media is always is always looking for a soap opera, and Hillary is their favorite scheming harpy. Rest assured that anytime a lazy reporter needs a story, he’ll find a bureaucrat willing to trash her. Or else he’ll just make something up. After all, there’s no downside in being 100% wrong about a Clinton (as long as you’re vague enough), and you may get a mention on Hardball or in Maureen Dowd’s trashy column.

Barack Obama seems to understand that a restoration of American economic strength is essential to a successful foreign policy. That’s where he plans to deploy his political capital. He also seems to recognize his own limitations, which is why he turned to Hillary Clinton in the first place.

Let’s just say I have a lot more confidence in our foreign policy team than in our domestic policy team. More on that later.

1 comment:

Jon Hopkins said...

Wow, a compliment about Obama. Good thing to see. I actually agree with you about the foreign policy team. I like the diversity in backgrounds, ethinticity, and ideas. That's what America is all about and what there should be more of. Of course some people are not so happy. I am getting to the tipping point of completely eliminating anything related to Fox News put in my brain. Hannity is gone for life. O'Reilly's fear mongering about not torturing is his new obsession with an occassional kick in the groin to liberals who want to "overthrow the government". He actually said we need to forget our values so we can torture. Well then I guess they are not really values to Mr. O'Reilly. Also Glenn Beck crying tears of joy having Sarah Palin on had me at awe, although it was hilarious. Bottom line is watching their ignorance is bad for my mental health. Finally I will say I am concerned about the economic team, not so much cause because of their qualificaions but because this crisis is so serious, I don't know if there is anyone who has a definitive way to fix it. I will say Obama impresses me more and more everyday and I have confidence in him. It feels good to actually have that because all I have had is Bush as my president through my teen and early adult years.