Monday, November 24, 2008

Division Of Labor

The idea that Barack Obama was some kind of foreign policy savant never made much sense. Obamabots liked to talk about the supposed relevance of his multicultural background, but that was just campaign fodder for the gullible. Bottom line: Obama has no experience in world affairs. (His post-convention "Grand Tour" doesn't count.) Besides, managing the nation’s complex web of international relationships demands the kind of attention to detail that is clearly not his strong suit. Like his role model Ronald Reagan, Obama is more symbol and salesman than executive. Fortunately, he seems to recognize his limitations.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is well suited to take the lead in shaping and implementing the Administration’s foreign policy. And Obama is clearly aware of her political strength. He knows she can do her job without requiring the approval of bottom-feeders like Chris Matthews or hand-wringers like Joe Klein.

The media is not the friend of the people. As he concentrates on domestic policy, Obama needs to follow Hillary’s lead if he wants to be a successful president. Screw the pundits.

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