Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bush: A Love Supreme

Bernard Goldberg’s new sop to the wingnuts--A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (and Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media--probably contains a fair amount of truth, but his audience needs to know that a real journalist would have already written the same book about George W. Bush.

After 9/11, Dubya got a four-year fluffing the likes of which we’ll not see again (short of the USA going all Kim Jong Il in the wake of a massive terrorist attack). Chris Matthews’ fixation on the manliness of his president is well documented, and I’ll never forget Howard Fineman writing a whole column about Bush’s belt buckles. Yowza!

As for serious scrutiny of the Cheney regime’s policies and crimes–Sorry, America. Not in a time of war. (After Chimpy’s stage-managed press conference on the eve of the Iraq debacle, Elizabeth Bumiller of the New York Times admitted she was too scared to risk upsetting him with a hard question. Thanks, Liz.)

The media still loves Obama, and his honeymoon is far from over, but he’s not going to get the Bush treatment. They managed to embarrass even themselves with all their carrying on over the worst president ever.

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