"Tomorrow will be an opportunity for Republicans to respond to President-elect Obama’s request to offer solutions that help put America back on the path to prosperity," Cantor said. "Top national experts will offer innovative approaches that address the needs of working families and small businesses and put American back on the path to prosperity."
Politicians and economic experts participating in Thursday’s hearing include:
*John Boehner, Republican leader (R-Ohio)
*Eric Cantor, Republican Whip
*Mike Pence, Republican Conference Chair (R-IN)
*Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts
*Meg Whitman, former CEO, e-Bay
*Alex Brill, American Enterprise Institute
*Bill Breach, The Heritage Foundation
*Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform
This is a joke, right? Grover Fucking Norquist? Are they planning to resurrect the K Street Project in broad daylight?
I sincerely hope Barack Obama’s talk of "bipartisanship" is just window dressing for the media. (Nobody else really gives a shit.) The Republican Party, as an institution, is currently unfit to participate in the making of public policy. Democrats need to push through their own agenda by picking off the few remaining decent Republicans and making it clear that the Grover Norquist "drown it in the bathtub" approach to government is no longer acceptable.
Wingnut economics is simple, stupid and appealing. The GOP will never abandon it. It’s their once and future meal ticket.
And there will be another K Street Project if they return to power.
1 comment:
I was just reading about Grover Norquist. I was surprised to read he was influencial in Bush's tax cuts since the rates were not 0%. I do not look at this was a big deal though. It is part of the process for Obama. He just had dinner at George Will's house and this kind of openness to just listen to other people is something Bush would never do so in a way I think it is a good thing. I see it as setting an example and getting away from all the bitterness which I am sick of and Obama is. Whatever is going to work is what we should do. Obama and the democrats know the verdict on the republicans obsession with reagonomics and those related ideas and what they do to the economy and budget. There will be bitter republicans but if this economy gets back on track, I think they will be forgotten in mainstream politics.
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