Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Designated Scapegoat

In 1996, after his tabloid toe-sucking got him booted from the Clinton inner circle, Dick Morris decided to market himself as an expert on Hillary. The result hasn’t been pretty. Morris’s unbelievably dishonest interviews and increasingly ridiculous books (remember Condi Vs. Hillary?) have given wingnuts some of the red meat they crave, but for people keeping score, no pundit this side of Bill Kristol has such a lousy record. Going to Dick Morris for insight into the Clintons is like asking George W. Bush for advice on oil drilling.

But that’s plenty good enough for today’s MSNBC. This afternoon one of their anchors cited a typically hysterical post from The Toe Sucker's blog which postulated that a Machiavellian Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her equally amoral mate would do nothing but "undermine" the hapless President Obama at every turn.

Get used to this, folks, if Hillary takes the job. It’s an irresistible media twofer. They get to recycle their old Clinton-hating material even as they protect Obama by blaming his failures on an implacable enemy within.

The Media Borg is going to print and say whatever fits their chosen narrative. The template is already in place.

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