Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One Degree of Lieber-ation

If McCain puts this douchebag on the ticket, I'll vote for Obama, if only to contribute in some small way to Joementum's third consecutive coast-to-coast smackdown.

On the flip side, nothing better illustrates Democratic spinelessness during the Bush years than the Party's treatment of Ned Lamont in 2006. As you'll recall, it was so important to Harry Reid and Company that the Senate not be deprived of Lieberman's wise counsel that they wouldn't lift a finger to help elect a real Democrat, even after Lamont won the Connecticut primary. (Barbara Boxer still has some explaining to do.)

No one--including Hillary Clinton--gets any props for this travesty, but Obama's behavior was too much even for Lord Kos. If Barack manages to get himself elected, I hope he doesn't look to the party leadership for continued guidance. The prospect of Obama, Reid, Dean and Pelosi marching arm-in-arm down the yellow brick road to take power is a bit nauseating.

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